LEOMOCare for TYPE-S Sensor Kit & TYPE-S Sensor Kit (Pro) Terms and Conditions



LEOMOCare for TYPE-S Sensor Kit & TYPE-S Sensor Kit (Pro)


1. Scope of LEOMOCare. LEOMOCare may be purchased by a United States purchaser of a LEOMO TYPE-S Sensor Kit or TYPE-S Sensor Kit (Pro) product within thirty (30) days of purchasing such TYPE-S Sensor Kit or TYPE-S Sensor Kit (Pro) product. By purchasing LEOMOCare, you are entitled to the following benefits: (a) the limited warranty covering your purchased LEOMO product is extended from one (1) to two (2) years and you will be entitled to replacement of the TYPE-S Sensor Kit or TYPE-S Sensor Kit (Pro) and certain specified accessories, subject to the limitations set forth below; and (b) you will be entitled to certain discounts (as described below) off the full price of certain specified accessories for your purchased TYPE-S Sensor Kit or TYPE-S Sensor Kit (Pro). Only purchasers located in the United States may purchase LEOMOCare.

2. Extension of Limited Warranty; Replacement of Accessories.

Your LEOMO product is covered by a limited warranty, which may be found electronically by visiting https://www.leomo.io/pages/warranty (the “Limited Warranty”). The normal Limited Warranty is for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase. By purchasing LEOMOCare, the Limited Warranty for your LEOMO TYPE-S Sensor Kit or TYPE-S Sensor Kit (Pro) product is extended to two (2) years from the date of purchase of the product. In addition, by purchasing LEOMOCare, the Limited Warranty for any LEOMO accessories you purchase for your LEOMO TYPE-S Sensor Kit or TYPE-S Sensor Kit (Pro) will also be extended to two (2) years from the date of purchase of your LEOMO TYPE-S Sensor Kit or TYPE-S Sensor Kit (Pro) if such date is later than the one (1) year Limited Warranty from the date of purchase of the relevant accessory. (If such two (2) year period from the date of purchase of your LEOMO TYPE-S Sensor Kit or TYPE-S Sensor Kit (Pro) ends earlier than the one (1) year Limited Warranty for the relevant accessory, then such one (1) year Limited Warranty period will control.) These extensions only extend the period of the Limited Warranty and in no way expand the scope of the Limited Warranty or give you any additional benefits under the Limited Warranty other than extending its term. All terms and conditions of the Limited Warranty are hereby incorporated by reference (including, without limitation, all warranty and liability limitations set forth therein). The foregoing replacement benefit is subject to the following restrictions: (a) if broken or malfunctioning and not covered by the Limited Warranty, your TYPE-S Main Unit may be replaced up to two (2) times during your LEOMOCare term; (b) such broken or malfunctioning TYPE-S Main Unit (along with the serial number) must be shipped to LEOMO at your cost (and must be approved in advance for replacement by LEOMO); (c) if the TYPE-S Main Unit is shipped to LEOMO for replacement pursuant to this benefit, you will pay $150 for each replacement; and (d) this replacement benefit will end on the date that is two (2) years from the date of purchase of LEOMOCare.


In addition, if you purchase LEOMO accessories for your LEOMO TYPE-S Sensor Kit or TYPE-S Sensor Kit (Pro) and such accessories break or malfunction, and are not covered by the Limited Warranty, you will be entitled to replacement of such accessories (including LEOMO accessories purchased at a discount pursuant to Section 3 hereof). The foregoing replacement benefit is subject to the following restrictions: (a) up to a total of $400 of LEOMO accessories are covered by this benefit (not including any discounts); (b) such broken or malfunctioning accessories (along with the serial number(s) for such accessories) must be shipped to LEOMO at your cost (and must be approved for replacement by LEOMO); and (c) this replacement benefit will end the sooner of the $400 accessory limit being reached and two (2) years from the date of purchase of LEOMOCare.    

3. Discount on Accessories. By purchasing LEOMOCare, you are entitled to a fifty percent (50%) discount on the full price of certain specified LEOMO accessories for your purchased LEOMO TYPE-S Sensor Kit or TYPE-S Sensor Kit (Pro) until the total full price of such accessories (not including the discount) equals $600. This discount benefit only applies to certain specified full priced LEOMO accessories and does not apply to discounted accessories or accessories on sale from their full price. When you purchase LEOMOCare, you will be given a personal LEOMOCare registration number (“Registration Number”), that can be used to receive the discount when purchasing such LEOMO accessories. The Registration Number is non-transferable and may only be used by the original purchaser of the relevant LEOMO product. In the event this benefit is attempted to be used by, or transferred to, a party other than the original purchaser, your LEOMOCare plan will immediately be null and void without reimbursement. The discount benefit will be available to you during the two (2) year period following the date of purchase of your LEOMO TYPE-S Sensor Kit or TYPE-S Sensor Kit (Pro) product and will terminate at the end of such two (2) year period (or earlier if the $600 limit is reached).


You may cancel your LEOMOCare plan at any time for any reason. If you decide to cancel your plan, you may email LEOMO at support@leomo.io, including your Registration Number. You must include a copy of your LEOMOCare plan’s original proof of purchase with your notice. Unless local law provides otherwise, cancellation refunds will be provided as follows:

i) if you cancel within thirty (30) days of your purchase of LEOMOCare, you will receive a full refund less the value of any service or discount provided under your LEOMOCare plan.

ii) If you cancel more than thirty (30) days after your purchase of LEOMOCare, you will receive a pro rata refund of the original purchase price. The pro rata refund is based on the percentage of unexpired term of your LEOMOCare plan from its date of purchase, less (a) a cancellation fee of twenty-five ($25) dollars or ten percent (10%) of the pro-rata amount, whichever is less, and (b) the value of any service or discount provided to you under your LEOMOCare plan.


Unless applicable local law provides otherwise, LEOMO may cancel your LEOMOCare plan for fraud or material misrepresentation.

5. Effect of Cancellation


Upon the effective date of your early cancellation, LEOMO’s future obligations under your LEOMOCare plan to you are fully extinguished.